Leadership comes from the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

CEO Skills
by Joni Daniels

from http://www.refresher.com/!jdceoskills.html

Create a Vision

A successful vision excites people to pull together and work toward a goal that is possible, but does not currently exist. It aligns people from a wide variety of backgrounds and organizational levels. It is clearly understood by everyone. The ability to turn their vision of the organization into a realistic, credible, attractive future that allows people to feel pride and satisfaction is critical.

Communicate Well and Often

Effective communication skills involve talking, listening and asking questions. Leaders are available to send the message, provide information, give answers and set the tone. A winning CEO is one who possesses the ability to relate a compelling image of the desired state of affairs, inducing enthusiasm and commitment in others.

Attract and Develop Leaders

People want to be on a winning team, and they want the opportunity to be recognized for the talent and skills they bring into an organization. Today's employees also want to be developed, and trained in areas that benefit them as well as the organization. The ability to entrust others to translate intentions into reality - pulling rather than pushing people, gaining enthusiasm and energy as by-products - are essential CEO skills. People are motivated by identification rather than reward or punishment.

Create Effective Teams

The opportunity to work with others provides the chance to not only learn and develop, but also teach and train. The CEO, as leader of the senior team, can model and create that expectation. Delegating, follow-up, motivating and coaching can all be standards of excellence.

Do the Things ONLY He/She Can Do

The CEO is the person who sees the big picture, and paints it with bold, bright colors. He/she connects the organization to the outside world, sets goals and charts the path to the future. The CEO lets people know the part they will play in the success of the organization.

Management vs. Leadership

Some people assume that leadership and management are synonymous, but the terms are not interchangeable. Management is the formal authority people are given within an organization. Leadership is informal, is not necessarily conferred by the organization. It is said that Managers do things right; Leaders do the right thing. While there is no single definition of leadership, there seems to be an understanding that a leader is the person who commits people to action, converts followers into leaders and converts leaders into agents of change.

CEO's impact the climate of their organizations for reasons that have less to do with title, and more to do with behavior. They are tuned in to the mental attitude of employees, picking up on cues, clues and behaviors. They lead by example, and are aware that their behavior sets an example. It comes as no surprise that people pay attention to everything they do. Great CEO's know that, while employees can afford a bad day, they can't. They are very mindful about how they handle emergencies, and pay attention to how they handle pressure from the Board of Directors, key clients, and the marketplace. The best CEO's know that neglect is a key reason for the deterioration of companies, divisions and departments.

Successful CEO's:

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